

Originally uploaded by stbeck

Japanisches Papiertaschentuch mit eigener Geschichte von 2002

Paper tissue for Etown Language School, 8.11. 2002.

Unlike with other paper tissues handed out on the streets, there's a real story behind this one.

I had problems with my internet site back home in 2002 and was in desparate search for an internet café offering FTP service. Finally I found etown in Akihabara.

While trying to fix my website I noticed a vivid English conversation among some ladies behind a curtain. My sister who was giving me company at that time approached the guy behind the front desk to find out more about the discussion group.

He turned out to be very explicit about his concept, not only offering English, but French and German as well. We admired his good English, which came from his background - I remember - by growing up in Singapore as the son of a French father and a Japanese mother. His father was an engineer for Singapore airlines, which made him spend some years in France, - Marseille I think.

Unfortunatley my rescue attempt was no success. We thanked our host and turned for dinner at some chain store Izakaya in Akihabara.

The language school seems to be out of operation at the present time (2009), at least by its internet adress.

The headline on the paper package is:

最近, 英会話してますか?

Now, how about English conversation? (Please correct me).